Saturday, September 18, 2010

Rainy Day Woman

That's what I am. I was so happy when I woke up this morning (11am is still technically morning) and it was pouring outside. It made me feel like my scheduled day of lounging around and doing nothing was not as sloth like as usual. Being painfully lazy on a Saturday is my M.O., but I'm often left with a not-so-fresh feeling after such a day. That feeling generally carries into Sunday causing me to do nothing for another full day. A morning storm washes away those feelings leaving me with an excellent justification for sloth.

Imagine my surprise when I got a call at 3 to go to the Guinness and Oyster Festival. I, somewhat reluctantly at first, agreed. I mean, I had the perfect excuse to waste an entire day and now I wasn't going to use it! I did have a good time and a Guinness, so I don't regret going along. I actually have the opposite of sloth feeling, whatever that is called. Maybe I feel energized? I don't know.

Even my morning wasn't a total waste. I actually completed the baby blanket for my friend Jody's baby. Aiko was born on the 14th of September and, from the pictures, she looks like a doll. Another co-worker and I are hoping to visit Jody and her baby sometime in the next week or two, so I knew I needed to wrap it up.
As you can see, at the bottom of the picture, the blanket is not exactly ready for use. I finished all the knitting, but now I have to begin the tedious task of weaving in all those ends. I am not looking forward to this. It gives me hope, however, that Sunday will not be totally wasted.