Sunday, May 23, 2010

Happy Birthday, Stevie D!

Today is my good friend's birthday. Since I won't be in Erie for Memorial Day weekend and will miss the opportunity to reminisce with him, I thought I'd post one of my favorite (G-rated) memories of Stevie D.

A few years ago a bunch of us went to Cedar Point for the day. For the most part we stuck together. I think a part of that group even rode the Magnum about 10 times in a row! We called them "Magnum Loops". The weather was great, but that old coaster just didn't attract the types of lines we had to wait in when I was younger. It remains my favorite, despite the "strobe lightning"!

Anyway, at one point, Stevie D and I were separated from the larger group and found ourselves near the Wildcat coaster. For those of you who don't know, this is a smaller coaster and the passengers sit in cars of 4 that move independently. It isn't like the usual train of cars you find on most roller coasters. It is quick and a bit jerky so I wasn't surprised when I hear a son begging his mom to go on it again (who knows how many times she had already acquiesced*) and she was refusing. Not one to allow a damsel to remain in distress, Stevie swooped in. He's great with kids and parents, probably due to having two much younger brothers and a job that requires him to deal with parents all the time. He offered to take the lad on the ride again, and the mother was so relieved. She and I watched as the pair gleefully hopped in line and into the car. It was clear that Steve was having fun and the kid found him hilarious!

I can't remember if they went more than one time, but that doesn't really matter. It was fun and I think he made their day!

*fyi: I spelled acquiesced right on the first try, I couldn't believe it so I looked it up!

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