Friday, July 16, 2010

Hump Weekend

Today marked the close of our first session of the Summer Program. We are officially halfway finished! I have spoken to some parents who are eager to talk about what a great time their kids are having and it is so nice to hear it.

Although I have to work on Sunday, I have another movie day planned. This time we are going to see The Girl Who Played With Fire. I am really excited, but I'm not expecting another celebrity sighting.

When we were planning our trip to the movies, Kathryn and I started talking about the inevitable hollywood version of the Stieg Larsson trilogy. She read it could be Tom Hanks and Natalie Portman. I was aghast! I have nothing against either actor, but PUH-LEASE! It probably won't happen, but I think they would be way better off finding an unknown actress to play Lisbeth and someone a bit more rugged to play Mikael. I guess it doesn't matter, as Kathryn says* "I'm determined to hate whoever it is".

* I'm paraphrasing


  1. I think Christina Ricci would be a good choice as Lisbeth. How about Would Mikey Rourke be rugged enough for Mikael?

  2. Mikey might be a bit too rough around the edges.

  3. Oh no, I didn't read those selections, I was just making cynical predictions. They'll ruin it by going for the blockbuster actors...

  4. Let's be honest, they'll probably ruin it no matter what. Although I will say, despite grave misgivings, I really enjoy Kira Knightly's Pride and Prejudice. I almost boycotted.
