Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New Cut!

As you can see, I got about 3 inches of my hair chopped off. Right now it feels exactly the way a new haircut should: swishy and light. I cannot stop touching it, either.

As usual, Miguel (my hair guy) was extremely entertaining. He just got back from vacation and was still riding high. Even though he could have styled my hair curly and gone home about 20 minutes earlier, he decided to make me straight. We joked that, with this humidity, it would last just long enough for me to get home. I insisted my cats would be impressed. That stopped him in his tracks. Apparently Miguel LOVES cats so he had to quit blowdrying and show me something important. He ran off and returned quickly with his ipad.

He has some app (I cannot find it anywhere) that you choose a picture of a cat and pet it. It purrs and the ipad vibrates. His favorite part, however, is that if you shake it, the cat meows angrily. He was quick to assure me that he does not make a habit of shaking REAL cats, just the ones on his computer!

Any thoughts about shaking cats or my new cut?


  1. OH MY GOD, I LOVE IT!!!! So drastic, but so ADORABLE!!! It looks really, really great with the shape of your face, and I bet it will look just as cute curly! Good choice!!

  2. Oh, and yes. Shaking cats = bad. But again, LOVE THE HAIR!

  3. i wanted to tell miguel that i have a friend who, when she first got her iphone, got an app that made it look like she was drinking a glass of milk! she would never do such a thing in real life.

  4. i LOVE the new haircut. i have to tell you when your hair looking nice and you can't stop touching it must run in the family. i did pig tail french braids on katie b/c it was sticky hot!!! she looked in the mirror and couldn't stop touching it and said "i can't stop looking at myself b/c i love my hair". with your new do, i imagine those words coming out of your mouth.

  5. when you're a part of a family that is this cute, you can't help yourself.

  6. I love your haircut! It is such a change I probably would not have recognized you if I was picking you up at the airport. Oh well, I guess that is nothing new.

  7. Sara,
    I really like the new hair cut!
    Uncle Jim.

  8. Thanks, Uncle Jim! Hope you had a good time in Wesleyville.
