Saturday, March 19, 2011


In flipping though the channels today I happened upon an exquisite little film called Marigold. It stars the incomparable Ali Larter (of the whipped cream bikini) as an American actress who finds herself acting in a Bollywood musical. Against all odds, this is not a comedy. It seems to take itself very seriously despite including scenes like this:

As luck would have it, I was going to an Indian restaurant today with a friend. What I didn't realize was that the name of the restaurant was Marigold. I can say that my experience was much more satisfactory at the restaurant than it was watching the movie. I can only hope, however, that the name of the restaurant was chosen because the owners are huge fans of Ali Larter.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Uptown Downstairs Abbey

If you are like me and adored the first season of Downton Abby, this will just kill you.

So very funny.

If you haven't seen Downton Abby, you really must watch it. It is funny and juicy, and you feel smarter for having seen it (but really it is just a soap opera). A good thing to offset the hours you spend watching America's Next Top Model or Jersey Shore.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Let the Games Begin!

So I guess 5'7", fair haired, fair skinned, and almost 21 is the new small, dark, skinny and 16!
Meet Jennifer Lawrence, your new Katniss Everdeen!

I haven't seen her Oscar nominated performance in Winter's Bone, but I hear she was good. My concern is less with her acting ability and more with vague feeling of being let down by this casting decision. At this point it is purely cosmetics for me. I guess I would have liked to see the announcement of a younger girl with an appearance more closely resembling that of (my image of) her Katniss.

That is silly, really. Let's be honest, if they had cast on looks, this girl wouldn't have ever been a contender. My only hope is that she did something amazing with the part and totally sold the director and producers. You know she's going to have to sell it to the fans!

Even though I was in favor of casting a younger actress, I can admit that Katniss and the other tributes probably would look older than their actual age. It stands to reason, since all of them have lead rough lives, they may not look like a normal teenager. Casting older also allows the filmmakers to work more quickly without having to worry about the number of hours a Haylee Steinfeld can work. (Another bonus: if they keep this up, I won't feel like a dirty old lady for being firmly "Team Peeta"!)

Also, Jennifer is from Kentucky (which is probably part of District 12). She was passed up years ago for the part of Bella Swan. That may mean we all dodged a bullet in that we don't have to watch Kristen Stewart play with her hair and fidget as she fights to stay alive as Katniss!

I guess that is it for my silver linings. And I'm sending up a prayer that this apparent disregard for the natural coloring of Katniss doesn't extend to casting a lily-white Rue!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Captain EO

Back in 1987 my family took a trip to Walt Disney World. There was an epic new movie experience to be had in the World of Imagination. It was called Captain EO.

Starring Michael Jackson, Anjelica Houston, and a robot with a mustache, it was cutting-edge 3-D movie making. You know that's true because it was produced by George Lucas and directed by Francis Ford Coppola.

24 years later (a week ago) we went back and lo and behold: Captain EO was back! They could have brought it back earlier when Jackson passed away, or they could have waited for the quarter century anniversary, but no, the return of EO corresponded directly to my family's return the WDW. Coincidence? Probably.

Below is part one of the movie. Of course you can't watch it in 3-D, but you will get an idea of just how awesome it was and still is. My favorite thing about it is how unabashedly unselfconscious they all were. By the end, this film looks like a gay pride parade and I don't believe anyone involved in the production is really aware of this.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Soften All The Bones In Your Face

I feel just sick about this: Rich (from fourfour) will no longer be recapping America's Next Top Model.

Let's have a moment of silence.

I have always enjoyed the camp and absurdity of ANTM, but what has really kept me watching was Rich's hilarious, spot-on commentary every week. He actually changed the way I watched the show. I would seen an episode and think "what will Rich say about that?" This cycle is no exception.

The first "runway show" had so many elements. The runway was narrow (12 inches wide), surrounded by water, the girls had to walk inside bubbles and the bubbles were full of red petals that further obscured their vision.
I'm not really sure why they even bothered with the Alexander Wang clothes. The girls might as well have been wearing sacks (some of them looked like they were).

Two girls fell off the runway and floated around in the water nobody helped them out, they just had to crawl around like hamsters until they could move close enough to the edge to roll themselves out. It was beyond ridiculous.

Only one girl didn't look like a total mess and she's from a small town in PA! I'll be rooting for Britanni (and pretending that she doesn't spell her name in such a dumb way).