Thursday, September 23, 2010

Misogynist or Bigot? Both.

I can't really explain it, but I truly love Survivor. I guess it comes down to the endless enjoyment I get out of watching idiots do idiotic things. This season, the producers decided to pit old vs. young. I understand this isn't the first time they've done it, but I didn't see the other season. I'm actually rooting for the oldies as a group, but I don't mind some of the young people.

This week actually increased my respect for the younger tribe since they made a smart move and voted off a blatant jackass. This guy, whose name is Shannon of all things, decided he needed to make a strong "alpha male" alliance since men are subjugated by women all the time (when they get married). He proves his point by explaining that if men aren't careful, there could be a woman president one day. Women are so powerful that the may one day be in power.

When his tribe loses in week two, he goes gunning for Brenda (who seems like she might be smart and cool). Unfortunately for him, Brenda has already exercised her feminine wiles on his strongest ally. She did this without even trying (more evidence of the power of women). When Shannon gets wind that Brenda is now after him, he decides to self-destruct when it comes time for the vote. He blatantly asks one guy (not in his alpha alliance) if he is gay, then goes on to scientifically prove the other man's gayness by asserting that there are lots of gays in New York City.

At this point, Shannon has clearly lost most of his alliance by exposing just how much of a jackass he really is. In the end, he awesomely gets voted out by a significant majority. Only two idiots stuck with him and from the looks on their faces when casting their votes, I don't think they were happy about it.

In order for the young team to continue in their quest for awesomeness, they next need to get rid of the gym teacher who wants to challenge a one-legged contestant to a foot race (the woman with the prosthesis would probably win since she is a triathlete, but whatever).

This guy never had rice before Survivor? The biggest change in him will be that he may eat a carrot or vegetables now? Being married for eleven years (pity that woman) makes him 42? His actual age is 31, he thinks that marriage adds 25 years, but he'll settle for 11. I recommend watching the clip if you want to listen to someone who makes The Situation seem downright progressive.


  1. It definitely was an episode of going off. I was surprised they had the sense to vote Shannon off. I am not a real fan of Brenda either. Jill is from Erie so she is my girl.

    Did you know there are more gay people in New York than Louisiana. I think Shannon may have had something there. Statistically I think he is right. I'm not sure he realizes why there are more gay people in New York.

  2. Well, of course there are technically more gay people in New York than in Louisiana. We can assume he is talking about NYC an that city alone has twice the population of the entire state of Louisiana. However, I don't think he was just trying to state facts. This is not Jeopardy.

  3. you've been to tn and your surprised that he never had rice??? meat and three is what makes up the south and rice is not part of the three. i mean the old people geeked out when i took them to the olive garden and that's americanized italian food. p.s. i hate when parents say they have to babysit their it's not babysitting when they're your children, it's called parenting.

  4. I didn't even notice the babysitting thing. I think I was immune at that point! I loved the bit about helping even the kids who suck (or whatever he said)
