Friday, September 10, 2010

The wedding of the year

Last weekend was my big trip to Erie and Hershey for the Labor Day Weekend Wedding Extravaganza! It was a great time and a beautiful wedding. The wedding was so lovely that when one of my friends started the rumor that I had been crying, everyone actually believed it!

In Jenn's defense, I was sniffeling a bit from hair being blown into my nose, and my attempts to remove the flyways could easily be construed as the wiping of tears. Alas, even a gorgeous ceremony in a rose garden can't break the Nancy Dusckas in me.

Of course, being the complete dorks that we are, we couldn't actually attend a wedding without a little hilarity. Every one of us was well aware that the wedding would take place in Hershey Gardens (emphasis on the "Gardens"). Despite this, at least 4 out of the 6 of us girls wore heels. When we arrived, we were instructed to follow a path down a hill, around the Rose Garden, through the Oriental Gardens (where Nikki was nearly left behind when her heel got stuck in the planks on a bridge) then back up a into a tree-shaded grassy knoll. All I can say is that Hershey Gardens owes us big time for aerating the lawn. If we had a lick of sense between us, we would have considered wearing flats and enjoyed a leisurely stroll... but we don't.

After the ceremony I (along with one or two others) changed into flats for the reception. We were among the first to arrive at the Hotel Hershey and got our drinks accordingly. The bartender was adorable and quite generous with the Tanqueray.

Once we moved into the Reception Hall, things really got going. The groom (I assume) produced an introduction for the couple's entrance and the DJ cranked up the tunes. By this time I had had a couple of pops so, after dinner and awesome desserts (best bread pudding EVER) I was ready to do a little dancing. It was a generally successful venture. I totally rocked out to Miley Cyrus and Bon Jovi.

I was not quite as proficient with some of the other songs. There was one in particular that caused me some problems. It was one of those line dancing things, I think the ChaCha Slide. I was only familiar with it from my brief stint working in Phys Ed at my old High School. We would play the song for the Life Skills class during gym. I should have brushed up on it at that time. I literally cannot tell my right from my left when put on the spot. I inevitably go the wrong way. It was a little embarrassing and the song drags on forever. I stuck with it (which is evidence of amount of alcohol consumed) and saw it through to the end. This video is a close approximation of my difficulties.

Luckily I was not the only fool on the dance floor. Maggie managed to generally look like she knew what she was doing, but busted out some of her older moves. Kathryn harkened back to her bewigged roots and pulled out her Nina Loca Bailar. Joanna (impressively) stayed in her heels all night long and treated us to a Miss Linda's Special when the DJ had the audacity to put on a slow song. It was Fan-tastic!

All kidding aside, it was a perfect day and a beautiful wedding. It was also wonderful to see my PSU girls all together, it happens so infrequently. Congratulations Team Mali!

You may notice a lack of visual evidence for any of this. I had my camera with me and even replaced the batteries. I was just having too much fun to use it! If anyone has any backup for me, email the pictures. I'd love to include them. Particularly if anyone caught the little girl creeping in on the ceremony.


  1. this seriously was an AWESOME wedding....i loved it. and i am glad you enjoyed my performance. i was starting to feel like prob should have not done it for the whole reception to watch. (i must be getting old b/c i usually don't have regrets about the stupid shit i do).

  2. Jo-you give the world a gift when you dance. Never regret sharing your gift.

  3. p.s. that bartendar was a cutie. heeellloooo sir!!!
