Saturday, November 6, 2010

21 Jump Street

I'm not sure if this is the worst thing or the best thing I've heard in a long time.

Remember the show 21 Jump Street? The show that launched Johnny Depp's career (for which I am eternally grateful). Well, Hollywood has seen fit to make it a movie due out in 2012. Same name as the TV show, same premise...cops who look like teenagers go undercover in schools to snuff out crime. When I say "look like teenagers" I mean that in the loosest sense of the phrase. At least where the original show was concerned. Peter Deluise looked 30 on his best day!

Don't get me wrong. I LOVED the show. My brother and I watched it anytime it was on. I took it pretty seriously, as well. A few years back, I got the DVDs from Netflix and had a marathon. Nothing could have prepared me for the heaping piles of cheese that show was serving in earnest. At the height of "Just Say No to Drugs", Jump Street was showing that not doing drugs was cool. It tackled other issues including a very special episode where Holly Robinson Peete goes undercover to expose a modeling agency for taking advantage of High School girls. She can't get the photographer to make a pass at her and, if I remember correctly, she suffers a crisis in self-confidence as a result. Powerful stuff.

The question is, will the new movie go the cheesy rout? Will it be more of an action movie? Or will it recognize that its premise is ridiculous and go full-on comedy? With a rumored cast including Jonah Hill and Emma Stone, I think (and hope) it will go the intentional comedy route.

I guess we can only wait and see.

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