It was a great deal. For just $20 we got a ticket for the movie with drinks and appetizers beforehand and a $10 gift certificate to I already spent my gift certificate on the A Song of Ice and Fire book series.
We had a good time at the screening and the movie wasn't bad. It was pretty true to the book and the sets and costumes were pretty great. I really do prefer Robert Pattison when he isn't just acting sulky and sparkly.
It was a fun evening and I was even home before 11pm (meaning I could get to bed at a reasonable time). I even took some Nyquil, but I doubt I slept more than 2 hours the whole night. Miserable. I called in sick on Good Friday and felt terrible about doing that since things are so busy. I figured it would probably be better for me to miss one day than for me to infect everyone else so we were all out sick!
This is making for a yucky Easter Weekend and I probably won't be leaving my apartment again until Monday morning.
For all of you who aren't stuffed up and coughing...Happy Easter!
Sorry you are not feeling well and it is going to spoil your Easter. We enjoyed the movie. I could see a more voluptuous female lead but cannot think who that would be. Where is Marily Monroe when you need her? Hope you feel better soon.