Saturday, April 23, 2011


I was all set to write about my big Girl's Thursday Night Out but I got hit hard by a terrible head cold and couldn't really think or do anything. Really, it began at 2:30am on Thursday. I woke up with a tickle in my throat and I couldn't sleep. I took some of my brother's left over allergy medicine and went back to bed. That day at work, I was just miserable and could tell it was only going to get worse. Undaunted, I went out with my friends from work. First to a Tapas restaurant (where I insisted they serve me my portions so I wouldn't infect them) and then on to the movie theater for a screening of Water For Elephants.

It was a great deal. For just $20 we got a ticket for the movie with drinks and appetizers beforehand and a $10 gift certificate to I already spent my gift certificate on the A Song of Ice and Fire book series.

We had a good time at the screening and the movie wasn't bad. It was pretty true to the book and the sets and costumes were pretty great. I really do prefer Robert Pattison when he isn't just acting sulky and sparkly.

It was a fun evening and I was even home before 11pm (meaning I could get to bed at a reasonable time). I even took some Nyquil, but I doubt I slept more than 2 hours the whole night. Miserable. I called in sick on Good Friday and felt terrible about doing that since things are so busy. I figured it would probably be better for me to miss one day than for me to infect everyone else so we were all out sick!

This is making for a yucky Easter Weekend and I probably won't be leaving my apartment again until Monday morning.

For all of you who aren't stuffed up and coughing...Happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you are not feeling well and it is going to spoil your Easter. We enjoyed the movie. I could see a more voluptuous female lead but cannot think who that would be. Where is Marily Monroe when you need her? Hope you feel better soon.
