Sunday, April 10, 2011

Another Hunger Games Post

I know I haven't written in a while and that is mostly because I haven't had anything to say. A number of my latest posts have been about the upcoming Hunger Games movie and my thoughts on casting. I don't think I'm alone when I say that I am more than a little disappointed in the choices for Katniss, Peeta, and Gale.

I am definitely not one of those people who think that an actor has to look exactly like his or her character in real life. I do think that they have to be believable once we see them on screen. Who knows, maybe makeup and lighting will be such that I can totally forget Jennifer Lawrence is in her 20s and the exact opposite of petite, olive skinned, and dark haired. I accepted her casting and figured the choice had been made based on her outstanding audition, previous work and the fact that casting older allows for a better shooting schedule. It also made the casting of my personal favorite, Hunter Parrish, as Peeta a greater likelihood since he is also in his 20s. Unfortunately, they did not go that route. Instead, they cast Josh Hutcherson (the exact opposite of Peeta in stature and coloring) another good actor, but one who is and looks significantly younger than Jennifer. I would have been okay with Josh if they had likewise gone with a younger and smaller Katniss.

I honestly cannot think of any good reason for the filmmakers to do this. Everything I have read of the reactions of fans has skewed negative. I guess we will wait and see, but so far you can color me unimpressed.

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