Friday, July 23, 2010


I cannot adequately express how much I adore James Frain as Franklin Mott on this season of True Blood. Frain is one of those actors that I know I've seen before, but can't always place. I knew he played Cromwell in The Tudors, but I couldn't remember what I knew him from before that. It turns out he was Forney in Where the Heart Is (the best part of that movie), he was in Titus and The Count of Monte Cristo, as well.

Part of the reason for my forgetfulness is that he generally plays quiet, unassuming characters. That is NOT the case with Franklin. His vampiric meltdown was hilarious and a much needed example of a True Blood vampire who is not alway cooly cruel. He's cruel all right, but bat-$#*t crazy (pun intended) to boot.

I love how, at the end of the clip, he is disappointed that Tara isn't watching him closely enough and says "Looook!" then "Love you" and blows her a kiss. The Vampire king of Mississippi isn't wrong when he calls poor, unbalanced Franklin a "Freak".

True Blood, please give me more of Freaky Franklin!

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