Thursday, July 8, 2010

Pet Alarmists

When I wrote about the Appa, my friend, Kathryn, mentioned that it looked alot like an "Alot". She was right. That comment made me go back to the Hyperboleandahalf blog, I hadn't read it since posting about spiders.
The writer's latest post centers around her dog. She was worried that it might be mentally retarded and, after a series of increasingly hilarious tests, she was no longer worried, she had been proven right. I think it is fairly clear that her blog is a humorous one. The name of the blog indicates that things will be blown out of proportion for comedic effect. This does not stop her commenters. I only had to read a few comments before I got to the one I knew was coming. It was a variation on the old "love your blog, take better care of your animal". I see this time and again. Any time someone blogs about their pet (particularly with pictures) some idiot has to question the blogger's pet ownership credentials. In this case, a reader actually suggested she take her dog to the vet to see if anything could be done!

That is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. Yes, take your dumb dog to the vet to get smart. If that is your solution, you deserve to be charged 75 bucks for the visit, as you are clearly more deficient than your pet! Ally, the blogger, responded to the comment quite graciously, informing the commenter that she had, in fact, taken the dog to the vet when she got it and it was perfectly healthy. I probably would have had to refrain from replying, as it would not have been nearly so kind.

I suspect my cats' eyes are too small and too close-set. Should I take them to the vet? Maybe some plastic surgery would help. People love their pets for their loyalty, companionship, and, most importantly, the laughter they bring.
I HIGHLY recommend reading the hyperboleandahalf blog that I have linked to. You won't regret it!


  1. I know, I read that comment, too, and was like, seriously?? What in the hell does that commenter think vets do, dispense magic pet-smartening vitamins or something? Man, I love internet commenters. I want to live in their world sometime.

  2. Is that Owl or Turtle? What do you mean her eyes are too close-set. How dare you!

    You know that is the American way. Everything can be fixed and made perfect. Our pets, our children. What happened to love me for who I am?

  3. That is owl, you can only tell because her upper lip region is very white and she doesn't have the fleck on her head. I swear my cats are on a most wanted list or something because they are impossible to capture in pictures.

  4. OK, since you mentioned a dog, you know I have a comment...:)

    First of all, that blog post about the dog cracked me up. I especially like the illustrations. HOWEVER, this poor girl should know that her dog is not retarted. At least not by my interpretation. She's simply being POLITE. She doesn't think she's supposed to get that treat under the cup because OBVIOUSLY that would be too simple. In her mind, there MUST be more to it...which is why she starts trying everything else. That's my theory, anyway.

    I know this because Jolie had the exact same reaction when I've tried to show her something new. (Except, sometimes, she just sits and stares at me instead. In these cases, according to her, she cannot possibly understand why I want her to either a. do such a stupid thing, or b. do something that can be done much more easily by me.) So how do I know Jolie's not retarted too? Because she has taken that canine intelligence test and received the highest possible score. :D

  5. Cis, you're probably right. Dogs are known for their extreme politeness and delicate sensibilities.
