Sunday, October 17, 2010

Breaking News

It's been a long, strange, trip, but longtime rivals Winifred P.H. Barksworth and Snowball The Voracious came to a tenuous cease fire agreement two nights ago in Chicago, IL. This unexpected turn of events, was met with awe and jubilation in the streets.

The two parties, at war for nearly two years now, met briefly for a closed-door session in Winnifred's stronghold. In exchange for this concession, Snowball ate an entire bowl of food and one of Winnifred's prized Greenies. There was much sniffing, a couple of uneasy growls, but teeth were not bared. Witnesses whispered in the background, doing their best no to trigger more hostilities. The meeting ended in belly rubs and treats.

One Winifred aide commented "she must not have felt so protective with her people out of the state".

The next morning, peace talks took a turn for the worse, when a dispute arose over boundaries when the two met again during their morning constitutionals. When asked to comment on the latest turn of events, Winnifred's only reply was "BAP...BAP..BAPBAPBAP!" Snowball was unavailable for comment, having holed herself up with food in an undisclosed location. This new setback may mean the end of peace for the war torn area.


  1. Maybe Jimmy Carter could be called in.

  2. Hilarious! Jer and I both want to know, though, how Winnie let Snowball eat her food--she'll show no interest in it herself for weeks on end, but the second Snowball makes a move for it, she's typically all over it.
