Sunday, August 1, 2010


I certainly haven't had much to write about recently. This is due largely to my relative inactivity. For example, this weekend I spent most of my time watching the BBC miniseries Bleak House and knitting away. I have a couple of largish projects going right now (one which will never be completed on time) and used this weekend to get some work done.

Most of the work has been to the blanket I am making for my friend Jody's baby. She is expecting in September, so I don't have much time left to get it done. If it were a normal project, I would be knitting on the train, but it requires so many different balls of yarn that it would be impractical to try to do so. In fact, I have probably spent a good two hours just in weaving in the ends for each stripe and it is barely 1/4 finished!

Here is my progress so far:
I am quite proud of the way it looks, but I've got plenty more to do. Back to work!


  1. It does look quite nice but complicated. What are the colors? How much of your other top secret project do you have done?

  2. You can see the colors if you look at this post
