Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fantasy Casting: Peeta

So I'm really enjoying this series of blogs...I hope you are too! I love seeing where our imaginations are in sync (Prim) and where they differ (Effie, Haymitch). It is such a personal thing, to read a book, and at the same time we all share it. Then we are excited when we hear it is to be made into a movie, but we are at the mercy of the director, casting agent, etc. I think its fun to pretend we have some power!

For today, another favorite character, Peeta Mallark. He is supposed to be 16 years old, like Katniss, but fair like Prim. The son of a baker, he is more well-fed than most of the other children in district 12. Most importantly, he must be able to lift heavy bags of flour! Just kidding, he needs to be believably well-spoken, naturally humorous, and exceedingly likable. I have two candidates (and I have chosen appropriately beefcake photos):

Gentlemen, start your engines!
I have only recently come across Hunter Parrish in watching Weeds. He is funny and, as you can see, really cute. He is 23, but despite my affinity for ABC family and the Disney Channel, my knowledge of young, blond, actors is pretty limited. I am not generally in favor of casting actors so much older, but he does have a very boyish look. Also, I won't feel quite so guilty ogling him!

Same goes for Chord Overstreet, he is 21 and very entertaining on Glee. Clearly, the boy can lift a couple bags of flour and I'm sure he can decorate one hell of a cake!

I do prefer Hunter, but I am really interested in what everyone else thinks. This one is a toughie because he has to be so many things.

What do you think?


  1. Chord Overstreet is too pretty, in my opinion. I could see Hunter Parrish as Peeta. Have you ever searched the fantasy castings on youtube? I've seen some really dumb suggestions and some really good ones there.

  2. I haven't looked on youtube. I've mostly been trying to stay away from casting predictions until i finish these posts. Sometimes I'll read or see something, but I have mentioned when I got the idea from another source. Trying to do this on my own.

  3. I love Hunter Parrish, but he seems too old to be Peeta. Chord Overstreet is good, but I'm rooting for Alex Pettyfer. He's exactly how I pictured Peeta.

  4. Good choice, but (at least in the pics I saw) he looked every bit as old as Hunter Parrish. Actually, I think they look very much alike so either would be fine with me. I do appreciate that he is only 20, though!

  5. I think Jesse Plemons who plays Landry on FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS would be perfect as Peeta. Not too handsome but sooo loveable. I think he is 21 or 22.

  6. Landry is lovable on Friday Night Lights, but that kid may be a little too "not too handsome" I think Peeta is supposed to be good-looking. He probably has about the right type of build, though.
