Tuesday, January 4, 2011


My big Christmas present this year was a Nintendo Wii. I know they've been around for a couple of years now, but I'm still pretty excited about it. Hands-down, the best thing is getting Netflix on my TV. I have also been playing some Wii Sports (I LOVE boxing) I'm hoping the extra activity will help me get in shape for my trip to Florida in about a month and a half. Disney World, here I come!

Seriously though, boxing and the boxing training with the Wii can get intense. Either I am way out of shape (distinctly possible) or I get way too into it, because I can feel it in my legs, arms, and the sides of my abs. I'm leaning towards the explanation that I get way too into it, because I do! It is by far my best sport (I can't hit the baseball to save my life) and the most fun. The only damper on my enjoyment is that I live in this apartment building. I know from experience that my upstairs and downstairs neighbors can hear everything, so I have to watch myself. Normally I would be trash-talking the dumb-looking Miis that I'm fighting, but all I can do now is get in a few good fist-pumps and some whispered taunts. "Suck it, Loser!" loses some of its power when not shouted. True story, try it at home.

Trash-talking or no, at least I'm kicking some serious butt!


  1. I haven't tried the boxing yet. Now I'm going to. Look at you effecting lives!

  2. Be careful! I seriously screwed up my back by getting too into the boxing! Glad to hear you're having fun with it...now you just need to get Animal Crossing so that we can visit each other's towns. :)

  3. Do you even recall the royal ass-whoopping I handed Jose? I will be careful, but I am a finely-tuned wii boxing machine.

  4. What I mostly recall from that infamous day is Jose sweat flying all over my living room. I try to forget.

  5. Glad you are enjoying the Wii. and I agree the best thing is Netflix on TV.
