Friday, May 21, 2010

It's Greek T.V.!

When I lived in Greece, English Language television was sometimes hard to come by. That's completely understandable since I was in a foreign country. What was not understandable was the available Greek programming. Most nights, I could only find shows involving nothing more than a bunch of middle-aged to elderly people sitting around a table listening to music and occasionally dancing or smashing a plate! Who was watching this? All you had to do was leave your apartment and walk to the nearest restaurant or bar and you could be there! Since I speak virtually no Greek and am almost completely ignorant about who those people at the table were, this whole thing was a mystery to me.

I later understood that many of them were singers or TV personalities, but that still doesn't explain it. Try to imagine a 4 hour show on network television that consisted only of a table of b-list stars listening to folk music, eating and throwing around place settings. Actually, that COULD provide some entertainment just not 4 hours a night.

Let's see, who should we put at the table and who should we have singing? Here's my lineup:

Scott Baio & wife, Donnie & Marie, Dave Coulier, Kirk Cameron, and Sherri Shepherd would probably be a good time.

Now I'm wavering again. I don't think I would want any of those people (except maybe Dave, he did crack me up as a child) on my television screen any more than they have to be. I guess I'm back to square one: this type of program is inexplicable!


  1. I think Lindsay, Jessica, and Brittany are perfect for gyrating in tight pants while lecherous old men look on.

  2. you're probably right and all three of them are about there in their careers
