Tuesday, May 18, 2010


One of the puppies in this cuddly pile will become a member of the Morrow family. She is female, dark brown, and very curly. She may even be the one with her eye on the camera. Any ideas for cute names? I think my mother and I drove my dad crazy with our suggestions including
Dr. Hiram Barker (before I knew it would be a girl and when I read "Baker" as "Barker")
Lambchops (the original Baba had a dog by this name)
Cerberus (call her "Cera"...very funny, Mom!)
Arni (Greek for "lamb" and a homophone for our friend Arne)
Goober or Gomer
Aunt Bea
JoJo (they must miss the other one!)

Dad is saying he wants a name that doesn't end in a "y" sound. We may be able to sway him on that. Previous dog names for our family pets should probably be excluded: Charlie, Lady, Nikki, Bodie, Jazzy, Daisy


  1. i vote for jojo!!!!! then they would have to send me pics. how bout coco??? b/c of the color. i was going to name sammie coco but she couldn't pull it off so sammie it became.

  2. Sassy, Quincy, Meme, Lola, Chesney, Annie.

  3. coco is my favorite...i keep thinking about it and i think coco would be really cute

  4. Right now the boss is leaning toward Maggie. We need to come up with something more original. On our long ride home from the breeders,along with a barrage of other names, I had suggested Coco. The boss nixed it. I don't think he can hear himself- totally frustrated with the dog when it won't come up from the river- yelling in that Morrow dog calling voice, "Coco." What do you think of Molly? I just spoke with him. He can hear himself calling,"Annie". I think Ryan would like Chesney.

  5. I like molly but i am still voting for coco sorry wonnie. (one of my residents has a dog named molly and she's really smart). maggie i like too. i think i like maggie more than molly but you do realize that 2 of your dogs would be named after sara's roommates. so if the boss is going that way then i would like to bring jojo back on the table. i LOVE that name.

  6. how bout sammie??? her name gets yelled all the time in a stern voice.

  7. You have a Daisy, maybe you could have a Tulip or Rose

  8. Ooh, yeah, Rosie would be cute!

  9. i really don't think if the boss won't call coco from the riverfront then he's not going to sterning yell tulip and definately not rose.

  10. Wait til you get her and see her personality. Something will come to mind.

  11. a. does the morrow fam have a new dog yet??? b. what name did they pick????

  12. No puppy yet. I think they get her next weekend. No name yet, just fishing for ideas. They will see what she's really like before settling on a name.
