Saturday, June 12, 2010

Arrivin' on a Jet Plane

It is kind of chilly here in Minnesota. I don't think I packed any pants. Don't worry, I won't be running around with no bottoms on, I mean I didn't pack any long pants. I was expecting humid weather so I only brought shorts.

The flight in was completely uneventful but packed. I got to O'Hare Airport via the Kiss-N-Fly bus in Evanston. Again, uneventful. The only bump in that road was a woman (clearly from out of the country) with a little girl. I'm not one to push and shove my way through people so even though they were walking at a snail's pace, I patiently walked behind. When an opportunity to pass them came along, I took it. She had apparently stopped to talk to her husband who was somewhere behind me. I walked briskly (for me, probably normal pace for anyone else) toward the escalator. To my surprise, the woman was back, this time jogging with her child. Jogging right in front of me as I reached the escalator! She and her child got on, then stood, stock-still, to ride it all the way down. Now, I ask you, was that completely necessary?

Check-in was a breeze, since I didn't check any bags and I got through security in a matter of a few minutes. There was one unfortunate couple (in the line I didn't choose) who apparently didn't have the right kind of identification and they were holding up their line. It may be the first time in my life that I haven't chosen the worst line in which to stand!

Even though I was right on schedule, I have a thing about just going straight to my gate when I get to an airport. There were a few people who seemed to want to hinder this goal, but nothing egregious.

My flight took off on time, arrived on time, my mom was there to pick me up right away, and we got home by 11:15.


  1. Did you forget your ipod and book?

  2. I decided not to take them. My bag was heavy enough without lugging that huge book!
