Thursday, June 17, 2010


You may not know this, but I get regular emails from the President of the United States. Just recently, he asked me what I thought about the potential for this crisis in the Gulf of Mexico to lead to change in our energy policy and the creation of new jobs in America. Personally, I think that would be just great.

In the meantime, I also regularly get ads on my facebook page to "Fire Debbie Wasserman Schultz" for just $25 I can have a hand in getting rid of "one of the leading liberals in the House" Someone out there also thinks I may be interested in the Creation Museum.

I can't figure out what it is about my profile that would lead the fine folks at facebook to target these ads to me. I am listed as "very liberal", two of my favorite artists are Elton John and Rufus Wainwright, one of my favorite movies is "To Wong Foo" and I am a single female living in Chicago on Barack Obama's email listserve. Okay, maybe they don't know about the listserve.

This leads me to believe that either A) the facebook ad targeting is just sloppy, or B) facebook ad people are just as liberal as I am and are deliberately targeting people who will clearly not respond favorably to Tea Party/Creationist ads. I kind of hope it is the latter.

So, while I will continue to respond to Obama and sign petitions that I agree with, I will also continue to ignore/ridicule the facebook ads warning me about "Obamacare" and those nasty Progressives taking over this country. I see it as my civic duty.


  1. One time I don't think the ultra conservatives discriminate is when they are spreading propaganda. They may get lucky.

  2. Well, don't forget--Elton John just performed at Rush Limbaugh's wedding. I think he might be a closet conservative. ;)

  3. either that or Rush is a closet liberal!
