Sunday, June 13, 2010

Home at last!

It was a nice, relaxing trip to Minnesota. I did a little shopping (didn't really buy anything), went for a leisurely kayak ride, and spent most of my time playing with the puppy, Rosie. She is sweet as can be, loves to nap and play, and is keeping Mom and Dad busy and entertained.

For a more complete run-down of the weekend, you can visit my mom's blog: How to Spoil a Chessie

Things went awry on the way back to Chicago. We got caught in some pretty nasty traffic only a few miles from the airport, complete with road work, an accident (cars still in the road), and crazy road-workers in fluorescent jumpsuits running around in the middle of the highway.

When I checked in, the kiosk warned me that my flight was delayed but the ticket still said 5pm departure. I decided to check at the gate. When I got to the gate, they were announcing a gate change. I got myself to the new gate, in a totally different terminal, and the flight was delayed. A two hour delay turned into two and a half hours.

On a happier note, True Blood Starts tonight. I'll watch the second showing. Expect a bit of blogging about this show, I can't get enough of it.

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