Thursday, June 10, 2010


I decided to follow through with my planned course of action. I bought a nice six pack of Bell's and took it up to the neighbor's apartment. I will confess, I almost hoped they wouldn't be there so I could just leave it at the door. I think that is just me being weird. I don't know why, but I have always been a self-conscious gift giver. Like, why would they NOT want the beer?

Nicole (I still think that is her name) was there, but had just hopped out of the shower so it took a minute to open the door. I just said thank you and told her to have a nice weekend. She seemed to appreciate the thought. It is a strange thing meeting people for the first time. Living in Chicago, I often feel like everybody already has all their friends. I have been lucky to have Kathryn and Jeremy and, through them, to have met Cisley and Alice. Also, I would say that I am friends with a couple of girls from work. Everybody just seems to live so far away.

To make a long story short, I feel like I'm back at Penn State. There are some nice girls living down the hall but I'm not quite sure how to make them my friends. I know it is silly, but that is just the way it goes.

Maybe I should have Vogued after all.


  1. I know what you mean about meeting new people and making friends. Things worked out for you at PSU. I have experienced it twice when I taught in Sampson County, NC and my last move to MN. Maybe you could find a book group or something.

    What is vogued? Or maybe I don't want to know.

  2. I know what you mean, too. When we first moved here, it was just me and Jer for the longest time, until things progressed with Alice and Amy to the point where we felt comfortable getting together outside of school. Making friends is tricky past elementary school.

    Glad to hear things went well with the neighbors! My curiosity is getting to me, though--are these the loud girls?? Did you tell any of them that they should, like, totally go to med school?

  3. Voguing, Mom is what Benny Ninja teaches the ANTM girls. It is what Madonna's "Vogue" Video showed. Joanna and Kathryn suggested I sing and dance in the hall to show my appreciation.

    Kathryn, I do not believe they are the same girls. They sounded like they were on the other side of the building.

  4. Love the new look! And I'm relieved to hear that these seem to be different girls..

  5. Like the new layout! Maybe you can show me how you did it when you get here. Can't wait to see you. Your dad says he is going to wait up until we get home. I don't think he will last.

  6. Sorry I get so behind...I read your blog when I'm on the bus on my blackberry, but it doesn't allow me to comment. Anyway...

    It's so interesting that you posted this. I recently had a very insightful conversation with my friend Amy at work about this same subject. She's thinking of moving to Atlanta because she feels like she doesn't have any "people" here. I was surprised to hear this, as I had always thought of her as one of those people who had tons of friends and was always out doing things with them. After a lot more discussion, I've come to realize that I think 95% of us feel this way - like everyone has friends except for us, and we're the weirdo losers who like to sit home on Saturday nights watching tv. In actuality, most people are doing the same thing. Whenever I make new friends, I always think they don't like me for whatever reason (something I said, my personality in general, etc.). I'm learning that other people really aren't thinking about how they don't like me - they're worrying that I don't like THEM. We should continue this discussion sometime. I find it fascinating.
